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Hi, Everyone. Welcome to my world of wonderful words - if you want sparkling articles written for use by your company, describing its products, hotels or any other subject, please contact me.

If your company lives in the world of luxury products, hotels and services, I am a senior editor and review ambassador for the Luxuria Lifestyle International Magazine - accessed here - voted the second most popular luxury .com magazine in the world and voted first in Spain

Written at reasonable rates and within any time frame and anywhere in the world.

Hit a photo below to read some of my work. Chat soon, Peter

OX magazine - Peter's Oxford cafe article
Falmouth - Mine restaurant review
Jazz at the Rose and Crown pub in Oxford
A visit to the unique old cinema in Totnes
Avro Vulcan - from the company's beginnings
By the Dart magazine - 1588 Armada article
Diamond Aircraft D62 - Peter's description and assessment
Luxury Life Style Magazine - D62 article
Front cover Nov 2023 - COLOUR.jpg
The story behind Exodus Orbitals
A short story celebrating the bravery of the ATA pilots durinig WW2
The minefield of Registered Designs and Patents
Prejudices in the workplace and elsewhere
A short story for the Mogford Competition
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